No Pets! No Cat!

A few weeks ago a stray cat followed my daughter home when she was walking our dog. Of course the cat was quite the attraction out front, and the question immediately came up “Can we keep it?” Stray CatAnd my instant reply was “No pets, No Cat!”. Now I know my two adult children will snicker as they read this, beause no matter how rough, gruff, and final I sound they know by experience that once the cat is in the house it will become a fixture and my resistance is futile (I kind of like cats, but don’t tell anybody). I could tell by looking at Pretty Straythe new visitor that it was somebody’s pet because it was too well fed and it liked people too much to have lived on the streets very long. That said, we have a lot of foxes in the neighborhood woods, and there are various owls in the area that I’m told would make short work of a cat, so we took it to the vet to be sure it was okay, put up a note at the local animal shelter, and posted an email notice within our neighborhood homeowner’s association. It really was a pretty cat. But after spending several days with us a local neighbor returned from home to find her cat missing. So the kids were kind of sad but the owner was really happy to get her cat back. And we moved on. Sort of…

What really happened is the kids returned the stray cat to the owner willingly because we told they could look for a kitten to add to our home. And sure enough, there are a lot of cats that need adoption. We looked through a local organization called “Animal Allies.” Our new kittenAnd they had a cat named Minnak. Apparently the cat was extremely sick when it was a few weeks old and it was found on a school campus by a Turkish student. Minnak means “cute” in the Turkish language.

The cat was very small when we first saw her (3 lbs). We adopted her and brought her home, but we noticed she was  still having trouble  with CompuCather sinuses and sneezing (she had had surgery early on to remove nasal polyps).

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The adoption agency took her back to their vet, and they kept her for a week to give her antibiotics to cure the illness. And that seemed to work. I’m not certain what her name will end up being. My wife and kids have been calling her Tiger Lilly (for some reason they like the name Lilly). I’ve been calling her Cat. But lately I’ve been thinking ofWeatherCat changing that name to Compu-Cat or CopyCat. That has to do with her affinity to helping me work with my computer. She actually enjoys chasing the cursor around. She particularly enjoys watching thunderstorms on the weather radar. As I wrote in a previous post on computers and stuff, I have been watching the reviews on the R11 Acer Aspire Chromebook (flip tablet). But I’m wondering exactly what would Minnak curled into a ballhappen with a cat who enjoys pawing at things on the screen… and a touch screen. Probably not a great combination unless you like fun and have patience. Not sure I qualify?

No Pets!  No Cat!     But Alas, I’m losing that battle.